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County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer visits Coast Walk Trail

“I am so grateful for all the work that’s gone into creating and preserving this incredible treasure for our community,” San Diego County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer said on a visit to Coast Walk Trail in La Jolla.

Coast Walk Trail is a path measuring just over a half-mile, running along the bluffs in La Jolla from Goldfish Point and Coast Boulevard east to Coast Walk.

Lawson-Remer, vice chairperson of the County Supervisors whose District 3 includes La Jolla, … hosted a “Meet and Greet” at the trail Oct 7, during which she answered questions, joined a tour of the trail and heard about a recent plaque dedication honoring the Kumeyaay Native Americans, the region’s first inhabitants. 

Designated historic by the city of San Diego in 1990, Coast Walk Trail is known as a “paper street,” listed in city records under the Transportation Department as it was once planned for vehicular travel. 

Nonprofit Friends of Coast Walk, run by La Jollan Brenda Fake, was established in 2010 to preserve the trail.

Lawson-Remer, a third-generation San Diegan who graduated from La Jolla High School, used to run the trail as a member of the school’s cross country team. 

“This trail holds a special place in my heart,” she said, adding being able to spend her winter breaks from Yale University in Connecticut visiting the trail was “the best antidote to seasonal depression.”

“It’s just so important that we continue to protect and fight for a clean and healthy environment,” Lawson-Remer said.

Fake led the gathered group on a tour of the trail, pointing out features from the rare Torrey pine tree, the reason for the name of Goldfish Point (for the bright orange Garibaldi fish there) and the nesting habits of trail resident “Peppy,” the peregrine falcon.

Fake also explained projects like the replanting of native plants, construction of gabions to prevent erosion and more.

Lawson-Remer also proclaimed that day to be “Coastal Defenders Day” in the county, complimenting Coastal Defenders’ environmental, social and restorative justice work, including its Indigenous youth leadership program for teens.

“We commend Coastal Defenders for their outstanding years of service and dedication to our region,” she said.

For Lawson-Remer, the value in such Meet and Greets lies in having “space to connect [about] things that make our community special and unique and wonderful,” along with being able to “get to know each other and for me to hear what the most important priorities are for people across our district and in every community.”

Picture of Elisabeth Frausto

Elisabeth Frausto

Elisabeth Frausto has been reporting on and writing about La Jolla since 2019. With dozens of local and state journalism awards to her name, Elisabeth knows the industry as well as she knows her community. When she’s not covering all things 92037, you’ll find her with coffee in hand staring at the sea.
Picture of Elisabeth Frausto

Elisabeth Frausto

Elisabeth Frausto has been reporting on and writing about La Jolla since 2019. With dozens of local and state journalism awards to her name, Elisabeth knows the industry as well as she knows her community. When she’s not covering all things 92037, you’ll find her with coffee in hand staring at the sea.

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