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City budget resolution excludes La Jolla priorities

drone view of ellen browning scripps park at sunset

The San Diego City Council approved a budget resolution Oct 30 that leaves out project requests in 92037 from City Councilmember Joe LaCava, whose District 1 includes La Jolla.

The city also released a five-year financial outlook this month covering fiscal years 2025-2029, which predicts more than $1 billion in budget deficits.

The council’s budget resolution, set for fiscal year 2024-2025, prioritizes programs such as initiatives to address homelessness, climate change, and more. 

Projects were prioritized according to items “that received support from a majority (five or more) of Councilmembers in their budget priorities memoranda,” according to the report from the Office of the Independent Budget Analyst.

LaCava’s requests within La Jolla, according to a Sept 27 memo, included preparing a Scripps Park Resource Land Management Plan and Environmental Impact Report; repairing, replacing and installing stop signs and crosswalks in the La Jolla Shores beach area; conducting a comprehensive traffic circulation study of high impact beach areas and The Throat; increasing cleaning for all shoreline parks and restrooms; updating signage on beach fire regulations; and the repairing and replacing of streetlights throughout the community, among several other requests. 

The five-year outlook, a document that details the $1 billion dollar-plus deficit, is used as a long-range fiscal planning guide and serves as the framework for the development of the fiscal year 2025 Adopted Budget for the General Fund, highlights “the importance of developing multi-year strategies to correct the projected structural deficits, where ongoing expenditures exceed ongoing revenues.”

The expenditures are expected to outpace incoming monies for four reasons, the outlook states: the termination of the American Rescue Plan Act, part of the COVID-19 Stimulus Package and the loss of previous excess equity; slowing growth in the revenues that increased after the height of the pandemic; increased expenditures to maintain city service levels; and negotiated salary adjustments.

Recommended mitigations for the shortfall include excess equity from fiscal year 2024; the passage of Measure C, which would increase the Transient Occupancy Tax; and a suspension of reserve fund contributions.

Picture of Elisabeth Frausto

Elisabeth Frausto

Elisabeth Frausto has been reporting on and writing about La Jolla since 2019. With dozens of local and state journalism awards to her name, Elisabeth knows the industry as well as she knows her community. When she’s not covering all things 92037, you’ll find her with coffee in hand staring at the sea.
Picture of Elisabeth Frausto

Elisabeth Frausto

Elisabeth Frausto has been reporting on and writing about La Jolla since 2019. With dozens of local and state journalism awards to her name, Elisabeth knows the industry as well as she knows her community. When she’s not covering all things 92037, you’ll find her with coffee in hand staring at the sea.

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